Membership Inquiry

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Become a member

Join us! Get involved! Attend as many or as few events or meetings as you like. Of course, we love to have you show up regularly so we can get to know you, but we understand our schedule and yours won’t always match up. The more events you attend, the more you learn about the fur trade! Click here for a calendar of this season’s events.

Click here to find out more about us and click here to read our ever growing library of blog articles.

La Compagnie meetings are fun, too! We start with social time before conducting a standard, though usually, brief business type meeting. We meet at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of every month (except January) in the Dupuis House of the Sibley Historic Site, on Highway 13 in Mendota, MN. Parking is free and guests are always welcome to attend. Click here for the map to our meeting location. 

Individual memberships in La Compagnie are currently $20.00 per year; family memberships are $25.00 per year.

Contact us for a membership application by completing the form to the left. You can also write us at:

La Compagnie des Hivernants de la Rivìere Saint Pierre
PO Box 50864
Mendota, MN 55150-1417.


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